The Jujitsu Part of Goshin Jujitsu
The casual reader may think of elbows and knees and not be particularly excited. However, as Jim Meola, Director of Hillcrest Goshin Jujitsu points out, “if you are ever in a situation that requires self defense, the objective is to get home. If you defend yourself and get a broken nose but still make it home – you may get a ‘C’, but you still passed the test.” Consequently, Goshin Jujitsu prioritizes street-effectiveness over flash.
However, if you’re close enough to hook, upper-cut, or elbow somebody, they are also close enough to hook, upper-cut, or elbow you as well. Consequently, it’s not very good strategy to repeatedly trade blows with somebody at that range. A better idea is to use strikes as a setup and use Jujitsu as the fight-stopper.
Joint locks (and assorted restraining/submission techniques), chokes, throws, and defenses from all of the above are the essence of jujutsu. Techniques used as a part of Goshin Jujitsu include, but are not limited to: